Sabtu, 15 Februari 2020

About Me

My name is Sharizan. I was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 28th. I spent only  eight months in Malaysia because there was a problem about my mother's identity so we returned to Indonesia. Actually I spent my entire life in Indonesia. Specifically In Muaro Sentajo, Kuantan Singingi, Riau. That's why I can't speak Malay. When I was child, I was really interested in science and fun facts about the world. I always read and watched something that related to those topics. I also have interest in education that made me into that world and became my passion until now.

When I was in Elementary School, I did everything like most children in that time. I played after school and did everything that I like. At that time, I studied in the elementary school near my house. SDN 023 Muaro Sentajo is the name of my school, and then I continued my education at secondary school, namely SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Kuantan. Since I was in elementary school, I have a big interest in education. In that time, I was very impressed with the teachers who teach and educate their students, and I was also very close to the teachers. Since that time I really want to go into education and become a part of education.

After I graduated from secondary/middle school, I continued my education to a higher level. I continued my education in SMA Negeri Kuantan Singingi. This school is a special school that implements a boarding system. During my studies at the school, I knew more about the importance of education for human beings. This made me even more determined to be an educational agent. Although I also thought about exploring other fields such as pharmacy, international relations and others, but until the end I still had a big interest in education and I decided to be a teacher.

To explore and to know more about education, I continued my education in college by choosing an education major. When I chose this major, I was really confused in determining the scientific field/specific major in education that I wanted to explore. At that time I was confused about choosing between biological education or English education. Both of these fields are things that I really enjoy and those are my passion in my life. But after I thought deeply, I decided to choose English education. Alhamdulillah, I also managed to qualify and enter the university that I wanted, That is Universitas Riau, and since that time my journey in English education began. ^_^
