Minggu, 01 Maret 2020

Experience and Success

Experience and Success

When I was in junior high school, I was really interested in natural science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. I like all about nature and something that I can prove and accept logically. Not only that, I thought natural science is amazing and applicable in daily life. One of the subjects that I really like is Biology. The reason why I like Biology is simple because there's a lot of beautiful stuff in it. For example how we can see bacteria, how the plants can grow and so on. In Biology, there's a lot of pictures about living creatures and it makes Biology more interesting. Moreover, my curiosity about Biology is increasing even more after I passed the Science Olympiad in my regency. It opened my mind that Biology is more amazing than I know. After I passed the test, I learnt deeper and harder about Biology to prepare myself for the next test at the province level. I really enjoyed that moment. I was very happy and there's no burden on me while studying Biology. Unfortunately, at the province level I didn't pass the test. I was very sad, but on the other hand the failure in that competition made me more interested in Biology and I told myself to be a winner in the Science Olympiad in senior high school level. Even if I didn't win that competition, but there's no burden on me. I did it for myself and I enjoyed every progress that I made. Based on that experience, there are three things that make me very grateful from what I've learnt from that condition.
First is persistence. Persistence is the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people. That definition presented what I have learnt from my experience. As we know persistence is the key to achieve our goals. At the moment, we can persist to do something. It will be easier for us to achieve our goals. When I lose in the science Olympiad, I just realized that I don't persist enough. Even if I already set my schedule to learn biology and answer questions every day, but it’s still not enough. From that experience, I always try to be persistent to achieve my goals until now and ‘yeah it works!’. Moreover, being persistent will also increase the trust of society, because we will show our best and when the society trusts us. It will make us more confident. That's why persistence is important.
Secondly, praying to God will make you keep positive and lead you to be a better person after and before you can achieve your goals. As we know, our parents already taught us to be a person that is close to God by praying to him. The reason why our parents taught us that is because by being close to God, we can make ourselves more patient and positive. Not only that, by praying to god, it will lead us to not blame others because we realized it was our mistake. Praying can be a saving grace that directs us through rough travels and holds our hand through difficult days. It happened when I failed in the Science Olympiad. I just realized, it happened because I lacked in praying and it made me afraid of the test and failure. On the moment when I'm afraid to fail, it creates negative thinking in my mind and then it affects the result. That's why I decided to be closer to God and always bring the name of God for every activity.
Lastly, the support system from family, friends and society is really important. When I didn't pass the Science Olympiad. I just realized it happened because I had a problem with my friend that made them can't support me. At the moment, they can't support me. It brought more burden to me and made me uncomfortable and guilty with what I have done to them. It made me can't focus on the subject. That's why the results were not as good as I expected. From that experience, we can say that support systems from family, friends and society have a crucial position and will influence us to succeed. And then, if we have good relationships with family, friends and society, it will boost us to compete with others. That's why until now I always try to make good relationships because it's important and beneficial.
Experience can be a good model to evaluate ourselves. From my experience, we can see the things that we need to fix. I never regret losing in the Science Olympiad two times. I realized when we do something and the result is not always good as we expected. It's okay, because failing is not always bad.  We can still learn and develop ourselves to be better. Not only that, we can find certain values such as persistence, being close to god and having good relationships that will lead us to succeed in the future.

13 komentar:

@araisnaini mengatakan...

Hello rizan,your blog topic is so interesting! Keep writing! Thankyou.

Hafizhah Arsad mengatakan...

Hi buddy,i like your topic today but can you change your back cover? Because i can't read your essay clearly . Keep writing!!

Sharizan mengatakan...

Thank you dear

Sharizan mengatakan...

Noted, will change later. Thanks a bunch dear

Hari Johan mengatakan...

Mantappu Jiwa Jan🔥 semangat nulisnya👍. Ttp terus buat tulisan dlm bahasa inggris yaww😉 buat nambah referensi bacaan zugaa wahaha.

Sri Indrawati mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Sri Indrawati mengatakan...

Hi Sharizan. It's a good essay👍. I'll read your next essay😉

Sharizan mengatakan...

Thank you

Sharizan mengatakan...

Thank you hun

Putri indah mengatakan...

Hi rizan, it is a great blog but actually i am not really like your background in this blog because its very crowd of pictures 🤔

Sharizan mengatakan...

Noted, will change the background later. Tq putri

Putri indah mengatakan...

Ok 👍

Yesi arnayati mengatakan...

Love it👍👍