Minggu, 24 Mei 2020

The Importance of Proper Education

The Importance of Proper Education 

Education is an important thing for human. Education can be a big factor for someone’s life, especially having proper education. Good and bad someone’s life can determine how good or how effective education that they get to begin with. Even if certain people with lower education have a good and proper life, but it is rarely happened. They usually get it since they are born, which is from their parents. That’s why proper education still takes a big part of the success and lacking proper education can jeopardize someone’s life. Moreover, having proper education is not only about success, having a better life or better future. Having proper education is more than those things. Education is not only to equip people to have better life, but it also to create an awareness of social and environmental realities and inculcate in them scientific temper, independence of mind and spirit which are of paramount importance for them to become responsible citizens (Mehta & Rakhi, 1997). The aims of education are more complex and it affects all parts of life. There are several reasons for the importance of proper education.

Sabtu, 18 April 2020

Three Benefits of Sex Education in Indonesia

Three Benefits of Sex Education in Indonesia

Sex education is really important for children in all of the world. It looks like a big factor that might jeopardize their future. If they can’t control it, they might go to a bad promiscuity and it will destroy their future. As we know, some eastern countries don’t implement it, because they believe all of the things related to sex are bad and it seems taboo to be taught or discussed to young people which is their children. In Indonesia, mostly parents will say the same thing. Even if, some of them have already aware with sex education, but they are still confused about how to teach proper sexual education to their children. The confusing about sex education of parents in Indonesia is because the lacking of awareness, the importance of sex education. Dr. Boyke mentioned that at least between 40 to 60 percent of children between the age of 13 to 18 in Indonesia have done sexual intercourse. If the Indonesian government and parent are more aware with sex education and give proper sex education for children, it will be really beneficial for them and children. There are three benefits of sex education that will make better future for children in Indonesia.

Jumat, 03 April 2020

Three Best Ways to Stay Productive While Facing Pandemic/COVID-19

Three Best Ways to Stay Productive While Facing Pandemic/COVID-19

COVID-19 becomes the worst pandemic in human history. Not only that, This pandemic makes the world in chaotic condition. This pandemic appeared at the end of 2019 in Wuhan China and it spreads easily to all of the world. In fact, from BBC News, the rates of infected people are increasing day by day. Moreover, in Indonesia, the cases of this pandemic on April 2nd are about 1790 cases, 170 people died and 112 people recovered. The rate of the cases are still increasing until now. Because of this, Indonesian government has already made policy to prevent the spreading of this pandemic. In detail, Indonesian government decided to lock down and asked the people to do self quarantine at least for 14 days to stop the spread of COVID-19. Starting from the lock down, all the activities have already stopped in all aspects, such as education, economic, social and so on. As a result, it decreases the productivity of human or even a country. To solve that problem, there are three best ways to stay productive while facing COVID-19.

Minggu, 22 Maret 2020

Three Best Ways to Decrease Spreading of COVID-19

Three Best Ways to Decrease Spreading of COVID-19

2020 is one of the worst and the most chaotic conditions for people around the world. It happens because in this year one of the most dangerous pandemics appeared and infected most of the people in this world. All the activities in this world have already stopped to decrease the spread of this pandemic. This chaotic pandemic happens because of the coronavirus or COVID-19. Coronavirus is the dangerous virus coming from Wuhan China. This virus is quite difficult to kill if we are already infected by the virus. Knowing that, the best ways to stop and decrease spreading of COVID-19 should start from ourselves. There are three best ways to decrease the spread of COVID-19 that we can start from ourselves.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

My First Experience Away from Home

Hi fellas..  
Glad to write a story again in this blog. So sorry for not being active for several weeks. It's because I was on the committee of the Sumatra English Olympiad 2020, and yeah it's the most hectic and biggest event of English Student Association (ESA) in English Department Universitas Riau.

Well, today's story is about my first experience away from home. Are you curious? Let's check it out! :))

My First Experience Away from Home

Minggu, 01 Maret 2020

Experience and Success

Experience and Success

When I was in junior high school, I was really interested in natural science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. I like all about nature and something that I can prove and accept logically. Not only that, I thought natural science is amazing and applicable in daily life. One of the subjects that I really like is Biology. The reason why I like Biology is simple because there's a lot of beautiful stuff in it. For example how we can see bacteria, how the plants can grow and so on. In Biology, there's a lot of pictures about living creatures and it makes Biology more interesting. Moreover, my curiosity about Biology is increasing even more after I passed the Science Olympiad in my regency. It opened my mind that Biology is more amazing than I know. After I passed the test, I learnt deeper and harder about Biology to prepare myself for the next test at the province level. I really enjoyed that moment. I was very happy and there's no burden on me while studying Biology. Unfortunately, at the province level I didn't pass the test. I was very sad, but on the other hand the failure in that competition made me more interested in Biology and I told myself to be a winner in the Science Olympiad in senior high school level. Even if I didn't win that competition, but there's no burden on me. I did it for myself and I enjoyed every progress that I made. Based on that experience, there are three things that make me very grateful from what I've learnt from that condition.
First is persistence. Persistence is the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people. That definition presented what I have learnt from my experience. As we know persistence is the key to achieve our goals. At the moment, we can persist to do something. It will be easier for us to achieve our goals. When I lose in the science Olympiad, I just realized that I don't persist enough. Even if I already set my schedule to learn biology and answer questions every day, but it’s still not enough. From that experience, I always try to be persistent to achieve my goals until now and ‘yeah it works!’. Moreover, being persistent will also increase the trust of society, because we will show our best and when the society trusts us. It will make us more confident. That's why persistence is important.
Secondly, praying to God will make you keep positive and lead you to be a better person after and before you can achieve your goals. As we know, our parents already taught us to be a person that is close to God by praying to him. The reason why our parents taught us that is because by being close to God, we can make ourselves more patient and positive. Not only that, by praying to god, it will lead us to not blame others because we realized it was our mistake. Praying can be a saving grace that directs us through rough travels and holds our hand through difficult days. It happened when I failed in the Science Olympiad. I just realized, it happened because I lacked in praying and it made me afraid of the test and failure. On the moment when I'm afraid to fail, it creates negative thinking in my mind and then it affects the result. That's why I decided to be closer to God and always bring the name of God for every activity.
Lastly, the support system from family, friends and society is really important. When I didn't pass the Science Olympiad. I just realized it happened because I had a problem with my friend that made them can't support me. At the moment, they can't support me. It brought more burden to me and made me uncomfortable and guilty with what I have done to them. It made me can't focus on the subject. That's why the results were not as good as I expected. From that experience, we can say that support systems from family, friends and society have a crucial position and will influence us to succeed. And then, if we have good relationships with family, friends and society, it will boost us to compete with others. That's why until now I always try to make good relationships because it's important and beneficial.
Experience can be a good model to evaluate ourselves. From my experience, we can see the things that we need to fix. I never regret losing in the Science Olympiad two times. I realized when we do something and the result is not always good as we expected. It's okay, because failing is not always bad.  We can still learn and develop ourselves to be better. Not only that, we can find certain values such as persistence, being close to god and having good relationships that will lead us to succeed in the future.

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2020

About Me

My name is Sharizan. I was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 28th. I spent only  eight months in Malaysia because there was a problem about my mother's identity so we returned to Indonesia. Actually I spent my entire life in Indonesia. Specifically In Muaro Sentajo, Kuantan Singingi, Riau. That's why I can't speak Malay. When I was child, I was really interested in science and fun facts about the world. I always read and watched something that related to those topics. I also have interest in education that made me into that world and became my passion until now.

When I was in Elementary School, I did everything like most children in that time. I played after school and did everything that I like. At that time, I studied in the elementary school near my house. SDN 023 Muaro Sentajo is the name of my school, and then I continued my education at secondary school, namely SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Kuantan. Since I was in elementary school, I have a big interest in education. In that time, I was very impressed with the teachers who teach and educate their students, and I was also very close to the teachers. Since that time I really want to go into education and become a part of education.

After I graduated from secondary/middle school, I continued my education to a higher level. I continued my education in SMA Negeri Kuantan Singingi. This school is a special school that implements a boarding system. During my studies at the school, I knew more about the importance of education for human beings. This made me even more determined to be an educational agent. Although I also thought about exploring other fields such as pharmacy, international relations and others, but until the end I still had a big interest in education and I decided to be a teacher.

To explore and to know more about education, I continued my education in college by choosing an education major. When I chose this major, I was really confused in determining the scientific field/specific major in education that I wanted to explore. At that time I was confused about choosing between biological education or English education. Both of these fields are things that I really enjoy and those are my passion in my life. But after I thought deeply, I decided to choose English education. Alhamdulillah, I also managed to qualify and enter the university that I wanted, That is Universitas Riau, and since that time my journey in English education began. ^_^


Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

Professional Teacher

Hello Fellas,
So this is my writing about professional teacher for final exam Landasan Pendidikan.
and there are two versions English and Bahasa :)
Enjoy it :)

Professional Teacher
(By: Sharizan)

Talking about professional teacher is inseparable from the various aspects that make the teacher a professional teacher. Teachers can be said to be professional if the teacher has basic competencies that must be possessed by a teacher, ranging from personal competence, social, professional (mastery of material), to pedagogical competence. Scientifically, professional teachers can refer to teachers who can provide good learning materials accompanied by good feedback from students. However, professional teachers also refer to other things and are more complex. Depending on one's judgment about one's professionalism too, there are those who categorize the teacher's professionalism from the point he shares his time, the teacher's skill in regulating feelings, giving lessons and much more.

Based on my experience, each teacher has their own way of being a professional teacher and being loved and being a role model for their students. As long as I sit in school starting from elementary school, junior high school, to high school my thinking about professional teachers always changes. When I was in elementary school, in fact the environment was still classified as not too focused on learning and more on character building and the fundamentals of education I categorized professional teachers as teachers who were always able to hold back their emotions, always be gentle, understand their students captured well. Unlike the case when I was in junior high school, I categorized the professional teacher as a teacher who focused more on better knowledge and material delivery and always actively mobilized students to carry out an activity. Finally, in high school, in my opinion professional teachers are teachers who have high creativity, and are wiser and give more responsibility and trust to their students.

From this it can be concluded that each level has a different professional reference and the professionalism or absence of a teacher is also viewed from the assessment of the students and the level of success of the teaching. It should be underlined that everyone has a different opinion about professional teachers and each teacher also has different ways to become a professional teacher. Based on this, I will explain further about professional teachers from various aspects and perspectives that will be accompanied by several views from the figures and data regarding this matter.

The teacher is a figure who becomes an example for himself, including by students. A teacher is said to be a professional when fulfilling core competencies and expertise as education. This is an important thing for a teacher. The same thing was also conveyed by the Indonesian Minister of Education Muhadjir Effendy about professional teachers, namely teachers who were competent and met the standards of expertise demanded in the times. Based on the results of the 2015 Teacher Competency Test (UKG), the national average is only 44.5 - far below the standard value of 75. Based on these data, it can be seen that the average teacher competency is still below and it is necessary to improve teacher competence. A teacher must provide a knowledge that is in accordance with the times. As we know that now is the 21st century where every thing is integrated with technology so that everyone is required to be able to literate technology including teachers. So that a teacher is said to be a professional if he can bring learning according to his era. As for the other advantages of teachers who have competencies and expertise in accordance with the times, namely the learning environment will be more interesting and students will not become bored and the teaching and learning process will be more efficient and effective than before so students have critical, creative, innovative thinking skills. communicative, and able to collaborate in the face of technological developments.

If a teacher has competence and expertise in dealing with students, then the next thing that must be done by a professional teacher is to build good relations with fellow teachers. As mentioned previously, that the development of the times requires the teacher to always be flexible and can follow it. One of the things that can help and improve in the face of this is the existence of good relationships with fellow teachers. Fellow teachers must have feedback from each other and there is a desire to improve and help each other with fellow educators. Those who know tell those who don't, the younger ones teach the older ones and so on so that good communication is formed between fellow teachers whose results will make education better than before.

A teacher must also care for and improve his social life because this is important because the teaching profession relates to the wider community starting from students, parents, the community, to fellow teachers themselves. A teacher is obliged for him to have a good social life because a teacher has a considerable trust and trust from the community, namely educating a generation that will damage the country's development. Based on this, it is obligatory for a professional teacher to care for and improve his social life with the community. Caring for and increasing the social life of a teacher will also provide benefits for the teacher himself or the community, in this case the parents. With the good social spirit of a teacher there will be good communication with parents and society, teachers or parents will not hesitate to talk to each other regarding the development of the child and things that must be corrected with each other. Thus there will be two-way communication, and the occurrence of cooperation to make students better in the future.

The last thing a professional teacher must have is the ability of a teacher to handle each student and can be a role model as well as a friend who is ready to help students and parents. As we know, today's students are smarter than before and some of them have special characteristics and needs that must be given. Therefore a professional teacher must have the ability to handle it all, a teacher must be ready to face every possible event. Furthermore, a teacher must also have a strong mental and soul in dealing with students or parents. A teacher must always be patient and cool in dealing with everything, especially bad things. As we know, there are many cases in the world of education ranging from violence, abuse, and other crimes committed by teachers, students and parents. Based on data from the KPAI, 84% of students experienced violence in school due to several factors, one of which was the unpreparedness of the educators themselves in facing unexpected things. Therefore it would be nice for a professional teacher from the beginning to prepare mentally and mentally in the face of bad things that happen to him at any time.

 Teachers and lecturers are learning agents who must be facilitators, motivators, drivers, learning engineers and inspirational learners for students (Law No. 14/2005). The teacher is one of the determinants of the future of the nation because the teacher relates directly to the younger generation who will continue the relay level of the nation's struggle, the good and bad of a nation is determined by its young generation. Therefore professional teachers are needed in the promotion of education. Every teacher must be professional starting from the aspect of competence and expertise that occupies, a good social life, and can put himself in any situation so that Indonesia can become the country with the best education in the world.

Reference Source

--Bahasa Indonesia--
Guru yang Profesional
(Oleh: Sharizan)

            Berbicara tentang guru yang profesional tidak terlepas dari berbagai aspek yang membuat guru tersebut menjadi guru profesional. Guru dapat dikatakan profesional apabila guru tersebut memiliki kompetensi dasar yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru, mulai dari kompetensi kepribadiaan, sosial, profesional (penguasaan materi), hingga kompetensi pedagogik. Secara keilmuan guru profesional dapat mengacu pada guru yang dapat memberikan materi pemebelajaran dengan baik yang disertai umpan balik yang baik pula dari peserta didik. Namun, guru yang profesional juga mengacu pada hal lain dan lebih kompleks lagi. Tergantung pada penilaian seseorang tentang keprofesionalan seorang juga, ada yang mengkategorikan keprofesionalan guru tersebut dari pandainya dia membagi waktu, pandainya guru dalam mengatur perasaan, memberikan pelajaran dan masih banyak lagi.

            Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, setiap guru memiliki caranya masing-masing untuk menjadi guru yang profesional dan dicintai serta menjadi panutan bagi muridnya. Selama saya duduk di bangku sekolah mulai dari SD, SMP, sampai SMA pemikiran saya tentang guru yang profesional selalu mengalami perubahan. Ketika saya di SD yang notabene lingkuangan masih tergolong tidak terlalu fokus ke pembelajaran dan lebih pada pembentukan karakter serta dasar-dasar pendidikan saya mengkategorikan guru profesional adalah guru yang selalu bisa menahan emosinya, selalu lemah lembut, paham terhadap anak didiknya serta setiap pembelajaran yang diberikan dapat ditangkap dengan baik. Berbeda halnya ketika saya di SMP, saya mengkategorikan guru yang profesional tersebut adalah guru yang lebih menitik beratkan pada pengetahuan dan penyampaian materi yang lebih bagus serta selalu aktif menggerakan peserta didik untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan. Terakhir ketika SMA, menurut saya guru profesional adalah guru yang memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi, dan lebih bijaksana serta lebih banyak memberikan tanggungjawab dan kepercayaan pada peserta didiknya.

Dari hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap jenjang memiliki acuan profesional yang berbeda serta profesional atau tidaknya seorang guru juga ditinjau dari penilaian dari peserta didik dan tingkat keberhasilan pengajarannya. Perlu digaris bawahi setiap orang memiliki pendapat yang berbeda mengenai guru profesional dan setiap guru juga memiliki cara yang berbeda untuk menjadi guru yang profesional. Berdasarkan hal tersebut saya akan menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai guru yang profesional dari berbagai aspek dan sudut pandang yang akan disertai dengan beberapa pandangan dari tokoh dan data mengenai hal tersebut.

Guru adalah seorang figure yang menjadi contoh bagi diri sendiri termasuk oleh peserta didik. Seorang guru dikatakan profesional apabila memenuhi kompetensi dan keahlian inti sebagai pendidikan. Hal merupakan hal yang penting bagi seorang guru. Hal senanda juga disampaikan Menteri Pendidikan Indonesia Muhadjir Effendy tentang guru professional yaitu guru yang berkompetensi dan memenuhi standar keahlian yang dituntut dalam perkembangan zaman. Berdasarkan hasil Uji Kompetensi Guru (UKG) tahun 2015, rata-rata nasional hanya 44,5 – Jauh dibawah nilai standar 75. Berdasarkan data tersebut terlihat bahwa kompetensi guru rata-rata masih dibawah dan perlu dilakukan peningkatan kompetensi guru. Seorang guru wajib halnya memberikan sebuah pengetahuan yang sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa sekarang merupakan abad ke-21 dimana setiap hal terintegrasi teknologi sehingga setiap orang dituntut untuk dapat melek teknologi termasuk guru. Sehingga seorang guru dikatakan profesional apabila dapat membawa suasa pembelajaran sesuai dengan zamannya. Adapun keuntungan lain dari guru yang memiliki kompetensi dan keahlian sesuai perkembangan zaman yaitu suasan pembelajran akan lebih menarik dan peserta didik tidak akan menjadi bosan serta  proses belajar mengajar akan menjadi lebih efisien dan efektif dari sebelumnya sehingga peserta didik memiliki keterampilan berpikir kritis, kreatif, inovatif, komunikatif, dan mampu berkolaborasi dalam menghadapi perkembangan teknologi.

Apabila seorang guru telah memiliki kompetensi dan keahlian dalam menangangi peserta didik, maka hal selanjutnya yang harus didilakukan oleh seorang guru yang profesional adalah membangun hubungan baik dengan sesama guru. Sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, bahwa perkembangan zaman menuntut guru untuk selalu fleksibel dan dapat mengikutinya. Salah satu hal yang dapat membantu dan meningkatkan dalam menghadapi hal tersebut adalah dengan adanya hubungan yang baik sesama guru. Sesama guru harus ada umpan balik satu sama lain dan adanya keinginan untuk saling memperbaiki dan membantu sesama tenaga pendidik. Yang tahu memberitahukan pada yang tidak, yang lebih muda mengajarkan yang lebih tua dan seterusnya sehingga terbentuk komunikasi yang baik antar sesama guru yang hasilnya akan membuat peningkatan pendidikan kearah yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Seorang guru juga harus merawat dan meningkatkan jiwa sosialnya karena hal tersebut merupakan hal yang penting karena profesi guru berhubungan dengan masyarakat luas mulai dari peserta didik, orangtua, masyarakat, sampai sesama guru itu sendiri. Seorang guru wajib baginya untuk memiliki jiwa sosial yang baik karena seorang guru memiliki amanah yang cukup besar dan kepercayaan dari masyarakat yaitu mendidik generasi yang akan menerusakan pembangunan negara. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka wajib hukumnya bagi seorang guru yang profesional untuk merawat dan meningkatkan jiwa sosialnya dengan masyarakat. Merawat serta meningkatkan jiwa sosial seorang guru juga akan memberikan manfaat bagi guru sendiri ataupun masyarakat yang dalam hal ini orang tua. Dengan baiknya jiwa sosial seorang guru maka akan terjadi komunikasi yang baik dengan orangtua maupun masyarakat, guru ataupun orangtua tidak akan sungkan untuk berbicara satu sama lain berkaitan perkembangan si anak maupun hal-hal yang harus diperbaiki satu sama lain. Dengan demikian akan terjadi komunikasi dua arah, dan terjadinya kerja sama untuk membuat peserta didik menjadi lebih baik kedepannya.

Terakhir hal yang harus dimiliki guru yang profesional adalah kemampuan seorang guru dalam menangani setiap peserta didik dan dapat menjadi panutan sekaligus teman yang siap membantu peserta didik maupun orangtua. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, dewasa ini peserta didik lebih cerdas dari sebelumnya serta beberapa diantaranya memiliki sifat dan kebutuhan khusus yang harus diberikan. Oleh sebab itu seorang guru profesional harus memiliki kemampuan untuk menangani hal itu semua, seorang guru harys siap menghadapi setiap kemungkinan yang terjadi. Lebih lanjut seorang guru juga harus memiliki mental dan jiwa yang kuat dalam menghadapi peserta didik ataupun orang tua. Seorang guru harus selalu sabar dan berkepala dingin dalam menghadapi segala hal terutama hal yang buruk. Seperti kita ketahui sekarang banyak terjadi kasus didunia pendidikan mulai dari kekerasan, pelecehan, maupun tindak kriminal lainya yang dilakukan guru, siswa maupun orangtua. Berdasarkan data KPAI tercatat sebanyak 84% siswa mengalami kekerasan di sekolah hal tersebut disebabkan beberapa faktor salah satunya ketidaksiapan dari pendidik itu sendiri dalam menghadapi hal yang tidak terduga. Oleh sebab itu alangkah baiknya bagi seorang guru profesional sedari dini menyiapkan mental dan jiwanya dalam menghadapi hal-hal buruk yang sewaktu-waktu menimpanya.

 Guru dan dosen adalah agen pembelajaran yang harus menjadi fasilitator, motivator, pemacu, perekayasa pembelajaran dan pemberi inspirasi belajar bagi peserta didik (UU No. 14/2005). Guru adalah salah satu penentu masa depan bangsa karena guru berhubungan langsung dengan generasi muda yang akan melanjutkan tingkat estafet perjuangan bangsa, baik buruknya suatu bangsa ditentukan oleh generasi mudanya. Oleh karena itu guru profesional sangat diperlukan dalam pemajuan pendidikan. Setiap guru harus profesional mulai dari segi kompetensi dan keahlian yang mempuni, jiwa sosial yang baik, serta dapat menempatkan dirinya dalam situasi apapun sehingga Indonesia dapat menjadi negara dengan pendidikan terbaik di dunia.

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